Check out Heart of the Valley’s FREE Humane Education Lessons!
Click each tab below to read about the lesson and download materials.

Being Kind to Pets: (Pre-K) This lesson introduces students to the components of being a responsible pet guardian. The lesson highlights the similarities between pet needs and human needs, and how to safely and respectfully interact with pets.
What you’ll need:
- Stuffed dog or cat
- Pet care supplies*
- Food
- Bowls
- Toys
- Collar
- Etc.
- *Instead of gathering physical items, you can download graphics.
Download the lesson plan here: Being Kind to Pets 2024
Who Has Needs?: (K-1st Grade Language Arts) Students will learn about pets physical and emotional needs. They will compare pet needs to those of human needs. Students can apply their knowledge in an art project making adoption posters of shelter pets.
What you’ll need:
- Whiteboard or flipchart and markers
- Writing/coloring pencils for students
- Download Adoption Poster template (provided)
Download the lesson plan here: Who Has Needs 2024
Categorizing Animals: (K-3rd Grade Language Arts) Students will categorize different animals and learn the differences between pets, farm animals and wild animals. They will discuss what each type of animal needs and how to interact with them. Students will apply their learning by playing an interactive game.
What you’ll need:
- Whiteboard or flipchart with markers
- Download “Who am I?” Animal Cards (provided)
- Clothespins
Download the lesson plan here: Categorizing Animals 2024
Responsible Pet Guardianship: (3rd-4th Grade Language Arts) Through participation in a blindfolded exercise and class discussion, students will demonstrate and understanding of the concepts responsibility and dependency as they relate to pet ownership.
What you’ll need:
- Cloth strips for blindfolds
Download the lesson plan here: Responsible Pet Guardianship, Step by Step
Making a Match: (3rd-5th Grade Language Arts) Students learn about pet adoption and discuss the importance of placement into a home. Students will learn how choosing the right pet is part of responsible pet ownership and test their matchmaking skills in a matching game.
What you’ll need:
- Photos of shelter and breeder (provided)
- Adoptable pets cards (provided)
- Prospective adopter cards (provided)
Preventing Pet Homelessness: (4th-5th Grade Language Arts) Students will read stories about real animals who have become homeless and taken in by Heart of the Valley. They will identify common reasons why companion animals become homeless, what can be done to prevent pet homelessness and how to help animals in need.
What you’ll need:
- Homeless animal stories (provided)
- Question cards (provided)
- Whiteboard
Download the lesson plan here: Homeless Pet Profiles